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Showing posts from June, 2020

Scam 1992

App Development

APP DEVELOPMENT App development means the process of making applications.The Android applications can be developed by two ways. 1.Android Studio 2.Online app inventor Android Studio  To develop application on android studio you should have the knowledge of coding. Online app inventor To develop app in online app inventor it is not necessary to know coding you just create it by drag and drop feature.You can also develop it in mobile phone. Some of the online app inventors are kodular,thunkable,casagbic,etc. One of the source of earning of this online app inventor is commission system which means the ads is showing of your app is 30-40% ads are of kodular or other app inventor rest of ads are yours. Android studio is fully commission free. You can develop professional apps in kodular.  If you know coding you can earn money by developing apps for other peoples or you can create and upload it to earn money. Android studio a